WORLD POKER TOUR pinball brings new levels of excitement, challenge, and understandability for both the novice and the skilled player. Travel from city to city playing Texas Hold 'Em until you reach the WORLD POKER TOUR final table. A dot matrix display is located in the center of the playfield, showing players their Hole cards, as well as the Flop, Turn, and River cards. The player gets the Flop, Turn and River cards successively by making ramp shots located on the left and right sides of the playfield. WORLD POKER TOUR pinball also features 5 Card Stud, where the player needs to hit cards on sixteen drop targets to get all the poker hands, such as two of a kind, three of a kind, etc ? all the way up to a Royal Flush. WORLD POKER TOUR pinball also offers a second level playfield, and a "mousetrap" that holds and releases balls for exciting Multiball play. $4375.00